Adjustable wall systems are the most adaptable partitioning techniques today, and their applications continue to increase by the day.

Their advantages include flexibility to existing as well as new office designs, low installation, and maintenance costs, and their quality of being easy and safe to install and use endears them to new frontiers, and with time, this style of design will be the only style of design. There are situations where the trend in movable wall partitions is slowly overshadowing the old method of concrete and brick wall partitioning.

  • There was a tradition in the forgone days to build large open office spaces to accommodate staff within an office building. With time this approach proved ineffective as there were too many distractions created by a large number of employees conversing at the same time, machines such as printers and typewriters working all day long. The nightmarish scenario created by this approach led to reduced throughput and prompted for the partitioning of office space into rooms.

However, remodeling the constructed buildings ended up costing too much overhead such that some projects had to be abandoned mid-way. In the advent of the adjustable wall partitioning system, a ray of hope emerged. The amount of time, money, and manpower required to install these partitions were significantly reduced. The wonder of wonders is that they could be resized to fit any office scenario, recycled after the wall had become old and remanufactured into yet another movable wall partition. The application of such technology was and, to this day is, immense, as the walls brought flexibility in office space design into play.

You could have an office space for a task force that would easily be resized once the task force had completed their task into smaller cubicles to house computer equipment for a certain period. After this, it could again be resized to accommodate three or more employees working in another joint project. With the advancement in technology, a wave of resizing shook the corporate society, and this brought the need to remodel the office space into smaller, more compact rooms housing a few employees and some equipment such as a printer and a scanner. This served as a creative way to retain the remaining employees by creating a more appealing look to the office setup using more glass panels to give it a stylish finish.

  • Another model of partitioning involved creating offices out of the partitions themselves without placing them inside any building. The approach involved building complete office structures using the resizable partitioning material interlocked together to create office units.

The technique is slowly gaining popularity since it greatly reduces the cost and other technicalities of building and office complex from the foundation. You do not need to purchase materials for cordoning off the building site as the process of setting it up is easy and safe for both the installation team and the general public. Offices that are created in this way are completed much faster than the traditional concrete and brick style of construction. This adds to the applications of these materials in the building and construction industry.

When you use this modern approach to build your office, it is safe to say that your economies of scale will be in your favor, and the flexibility your office space will have is unmatched.